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完成登记后, 您将会收到一封电子邮件通知阁下登入资料及密码!

填写基本资料 填写个人资料 确认开户



八威金业有限公司为一家依照香港特别行政区法例第32章公司条例成立的场外贵金属交易商。其注册地址为香港上环文咸东街50号宝恒商业中心906室(以下简称“八威金业”): 及客户(指本协议的另一方,其详细资料列于开户申请表)现双方同意如下:

















9. 客户风险承担











14.1无论是任何原因,客户将交易权力或对其账户的控制授予第三者,包括中介人或其它第三者(下总称“交易授权人”),或根据任何交易授权人的信息、建议或指令在八威金业的平台上进行买卖贵金属、八威金业均不对客户所选择的交易授权人提供的信息、建议或指令进行复核或对有关信息、建议或指令承担任何责任。 14.2如果任何交易授权人向客户提供贵金属交易的信息、建议或指令,八威金业绝不对客户使用该信息、建议或指令带来的损失负责。客户确认八威金业及与其相关的任何人未就客户账户未来的盈亏作出任何许诺。












客户将支付因八威金业所提供的服务产生的介绍人费用、佣金和特别服务或其他所有费用(包括但不限于溢价和折价,报表费,闲置账户费,指令取消费,转账费和其他费用) ,收费(包括但不限于由银行间机构、银行、合约市场或其他监管或自律组织收取的费用) 。八威金业可能不经通知收取佣金、费用及/或收费。客户同意向八威金业支付其欠交款项的利息(计算方式如下:以当时八威金业主要银行优惠利率再加3%计或法律规定的最高利率,选择较低的一项)。












本协议,涵盖客户任何时候在八威金业开立或重新开立的所有账户,不论任何八威金业或其它继承人、 转让人或关联机构的人事变动均持续有效。如果发生合并、兼并或其它变动,本协议(包括任何授权) 将对八威金业或其它继承人或转让人的利益有效,并对客户及其/或其遗产继承人、委托人、管理人、 法定代表、继承人和转让人具约束力。客户同意与交易有关的权利或义务受本协议条款的管辖。










八威金业私隐政策是根据个人资料(私隐)条例保护客户权益,便利客户开设和维持贵金属户口,提供融资和金融顾问服务。八威金业忠诚地为客户所提供的个人数据,作出保密的监控。除了得到法例批准,八威金业绝对不会把任何非公开性的数据提供予任何个别人仕。 当客户在八威金业开立或维持一个交易账户时,所提供的个人资料,只会作公司的内部商业用途,例如评估客户在财务上的需要,处理客户的交易以及其它要求,提供有关产品与服务,提供一般交易上的服务及按监管程序需要确认客户身份。八威金业需要客户提供以便运作的数据包括:

附件一 客户告鉴

(2)客户应注意以保证金为基础的OTC 贵金属交易是金融市场上最具风险的投资方式之一,且仅适合于有经验的投资者和机构。在八威金业开立的账户允许客户以很高的杠杆比率进行贵金属交易。鉴于存在损失全部投资的可能性,在贵金属交易市场进行投机的资金必须是风险资本金,其损失将不会对客户个人或机构的财务状况产生太大影响。
(10)倘若客户将交易授权或对其账户的管理交予第三者(“交易介绍人”) ,不论是以自主权或非自主权的基础上,八威金业将绝不对客户作出的选择负责或对此作出任何推荐。八威金业不对有关交易介绍人作出任何声明或保证;八威金业不对因为交易介绍人的行为而对客户产生的损失负责;八威金业不对交易介绍人的运作方式作出任何间接或直接的支持或批准。如果客户授权交易介绍人管理其账户,客户需自行承担风险。

附件二 开户申请表


附件三 反洗钱备忘录:

本人/ 吾等已经阅读并了解本洗钱防制备忘录之内容,谨确认定声明本人/吾等之资产或任何由本人/本人等所有或掌管之公司财产,均非來自备忘录所述之行为。本人/吾等每次向本公司付款时均被视为重复作出此项声明。








1) 客户可根据八威金业网站上提供之注资方式为客户之交易账户存入资金。
2) 除非八威金业核实确认收到客户之注资资金,否则八威金业将无法为客户办理注资。
3) 如客户通过银行汇款方式进行注资而产生的手续费用均由客户本人承担。
4) 八威金业无法为互联网的连接状态做出担保,客户同意不就无法在网页及时注资而造成的损失追究八威金业的责任。


1) 首次取款前必须向八威金业提交客户本人之有效身份证及银行卡影印本,否则八威金业不受理客户之取款申请。
2) 客户申请单笔取款50美元或以上所产生之汇款手续费用均由八威金业承担。
3) 客户申请单笔取款50美元以下,八威金业将收取当中3美元作为汇款手续费。
4) 客户申请取款时之交易量不足注资金额50%,八威金业将收取取款金额之6%作为汇款手续费。
5) 八威金业将于收到取款申请起开始办理,按流程预计在2小时内处理并将该笔款项汇出。
6) 鉴于第三方原因,银行处理款项速度非八威金业可控制及准确预计。因此客户可能会有无法在2小时内收到所提取款项的情况。客户同意不就款项到账时间超出2小时而追究八威金业的责任。
7) 到账币种取决于客户所持收款银行卡所在地区,大陆地区银行卡客户到账币种为人民币,香港地区银行卡客户到账币种为港币,其它地区客户到账币种为美元。
8) 八威金业保留对于注资及取款手续费的所有解释权和决定权。




(1)交易编码由本公司向香港金银业贸易场购买,香港金银业贸易场确认交易价格合理才会发出交易编码并在其官网提供查询。八威金业将购入的交易编码免费派发给客户。 (2)建仓/平仓交易编码和客户之订单号一一对应,具唯一性。













(1)本声明并不表示已披露关于贵金属(包括黄金及白银) 交易的所有风险及其它重要方面。鉴于有关风险,客户确认在开始进行此类交易之前,已了解有关交易性质和客户所面临的风险程度,知悉贵金属交易并不适合于普罗大众。客户必须根据客户的投资经验、目的、财力和承受风险能力等相关情形仔细考虑这类交易是否适合客户本人。客户在开户及开始交易前已获通知应该咨询法律、财务及其它专业意见。


















1. 通讯及电力故障


2. 国际互联网故障


3. 市场风险和网上交易


4. 密码保护


5. 报价错误


6. 不接纳操作软件下单


7. 个人资料披露


8. 套戥


9. 价格、订单执行及平台操控


10. 破产风险披露


11. 不时修订的权利


12. 介绍人披露


13. 互联网风险披露声明


14. 本网站风险披露声明

(6)当阁下一旦使用本网站,即表示阁下无条件接受上述所载的免责条款以及任何本公司不时在无 须预先通知阁下的情况下而对上述条款所作出的修改及/或修订。请定期浏览此网页查阅任何修改及/或修订。

首頁 開立真實賬戶


完成登記後, 您將會收到一封電子郵件通知閣下登入資料及密碼!

填寫基本資料 填寫個人資料 確認開戶



八威金業有限公司爲一家依照香港特別行政區法例第32章公司條例成立的場外貴金屬交易商。其注冊地址爲香港上環文鹹東街50號寶恒商業中心906室(以下簡稱“八威金業”): 及客戶(指本協議的另一方,其詳細資料列于開戶申請表)現雙方同意如下:

















9. 客戶風險承擔











14.1無論是任何原因,客戶將交易權力或對其賬戶的控制授予第三者,包括中介人或其它第三者(下總稱“交易授權人”),或根據任何交易授權人的信息、建議或指令在八威金業的平台上進行買賣貴金屬、八威金業均不對客戶所選擇的交易授權人提供的信息、建議或指令進行複核或對有關信息、建議或指令承擔任何責任。 14.2如果任何交易授權人向客戶提供貴金屬交易的信息、建議或指令,八威金業絕不對客戶使用該信息、建議或指令帶來的損失負責。客戶確認八威金業及與其相關的任何人未就客戶賬戶未來的盈虧作出任何許諾。












客戶將支付因八威金業所提供的服務産生的介紹人費用、傭金和特別服務或其他所有費用(包括但不限于溢價和折價,報表費,閑置賬戶費,指令取消費,轉賬費和其他費用) ,收費(包括但不限于由銀行間機構、銀行、合約市場或其他監管或自律組織收取的費用) 。八威金業可能不經通知收取傭金、費用及/或收費。客戶同意向八威金業支付其欠交款項的利息(計算方式如下:以當時八威金業主要銀行優惠利率再加3%計或法律規定的最高利率,選擇較低的一項)。












本協議,涵蓋客戶任何時候在八威金業開立或重新開立的所有賬戶,不論任何八威金業或其它繼承人、 轉讓人或關聯機構的人事變動均持續有效。如果發生合並、兼並或其它變動,本協議(包括任何授權) 將對八威金業或其它繼承人或轉讓人的利益有效,並對客戶及其/或其遺産繼承人、委托人、管理人、 法定代表、繼承人和轉讓人具約束力。客戶同意與交易有關的權利或義務受本協議條款的管轄。










八威金業私隱政策是根據個人資料(私隱)條例保護客戶權益,便利客戶開設和維持貴金屬戶口,提供融資和金融顧問服務。八威金業忠誠地爲客戶所提供的個人數據,作出保密的監控。除了得到法例批准,八威金業絕對不會把任何非公開性的數據提供予任何個別人仕。 當客戶在八威金業開立或維持一個交易賬戶時,所提供的個人資料,只會作公司的內部商業用途,例如評估客戶在財務上的需要,處理客戶的交易以及其它要求,提供有關産品與服務,提供一般交易上的服務及按監管程序需要確認客戶身份。八威金業需要客戶提供以便運作的數據包括:

附件一 客戶告鑒

(2)客戶應注意以保證金爲基礎的OTC 貴金屬交易是金融市場上最具風險的投資方式之一,且僅適合于有經驗的投資者和機構。在八威金業開立的賬戶允許客戶以很高的杠杆比率進行貴金屬交易。鑒于存在損失全部投資的可能性,在貴金屬交易市場進行投機的資金必須是風險資本金,其損失將不會對客戶個人或機構的財務狀況産生太大影響。
(10)倘若客戶將交易授權或對其賬戶的管理交予第三者(“交易介紹人”) ,不論是以自主權或非自主權的基礎上,八威金業將絕不對客戶作出的選擇負責或對此作出任何推薦。八威金業不對有關交易介紹人作出任何聲明或保證;八威金業不對因爲交易介紹人的行爲而對客戶産生的損失負責;八威金業不對交易介紹人的運作方式作出任何間接或直接的支持或批准。如果客戶授權交易介紹人管理其賬戶,客戶需自行承擔風險。

附件二 開戶申請表


附件三 反洗錢備忘錄:

本人/ 吾等已經閱讀並了解本洗錢防制備忘錄之內容,謹確認定聲明本人/吾等之資産或任何由本人/本人等所有或掌管之公司財産,均非來自備忘錄所述之行爲。本人/吾等每次向本公司付款時均被視爲重複作出此項聲明。








1) 客戶可根據八威金業網站上提供之注資方式爲客戶之交易賬戶存入資金。
2) 除非八威金業核實確認收到客戶之注資資金,否則八威金業將無法爲客戶辦理注資。
3) 如客戶通過銀行彙款方式進行注資而産生的手續費用均由客戶本人承擔。
4) 八威金業無法爲互聯網的連接狀態做出擔保,客戶同意不就無法在網頁及時注資而造成的損失追究八威金業的責任。


1) 首次取款前必須向八威金業提交客戶本人之有效身份證及銀行卡影印本,否則八威金業不受理客戶之取款申請。
2) 客戶申請單筆取款50美元或以上所産生之彙款手續費用均由八威金業承擔。
3) 客戶申請單筆取款50美元以下,八威金業將收取當中3美元作爲彙款手續費。
4) 客戶申請取款時之交易量不足注資金額50%,八威金業將收取取款金額之6%作爲彙款手續費。
5) 八威金業將于收到取款申請起開始辦理,按流程預計在2小時內處理並將該筆款項彙出。
6) 鑒于第三方原因,銀行處理款項速度非八威金業可控制及准確預計。因此客戶可能會有無法在2小時內收到所提取款項的情況。客戶同意不就款項到賬時間超出2小時而追究八威金業的責任。
7) 到賬幣種取決于客戶所持收款銀行卡所在地區,大陸地區銀行卡客戶到賬幣種爲人民幣,香港地區銀行卡客戶到賬幣種爲港幣,其它地區客戶到賬幣種爲美元。
8) 八威金業保留對于注資及取款手續費的所有解釋權和決定權。




(1)交易編碼由本公司向香港金銀業貿易場購買,香港金銀業貿易場確認交易價格合理才會發出交易編碼並在其官網提供查詢。八威金業將購入的交易編碼免費派發給客戶。 (2)建倉/平倉交易編碼和客戶之訂單號一一對應,具唯一性。













(1)本聲明並不表示已披露關于貴金屬(包括黃金及白銀) 交易的所有風險及其它重要方面。鑒于有關風險,客戶確認在開始進行此類交易之前,已了解有關交易性質和客戶所面臨的風險程度,知悉貴金屬交易並不適合于普羅大衆。客戶必須根據客戶的投資經驗、目的、財力和承受風險能力等相關情形仔細考慮這類交易是否適合客戶本人。客戶在開戶及開始交易前已獲通知應該咨詢法律、財務及其它專業意見。


















1. 通訊及電力故障


2. 國際互聯網故障


3. 市場風險和網上交易


4. 密碼保護


5. 報價錯誤


6. 不接納操作軟件下單


7. 個人資料披露


8. 套戥


9. 價格、訂單執行及平台操控


10. 破産風險披露


11. 不時修訂的權利


12. 介紹人披露


13. 互聯網風險披露聲明


14. 本網站風險披露聲明

(6)當閣下一旦使用本網站,即表示閣下無條件接受上述所載的免責條款以及任何本公司不時在無 須預先通知閣下的情況下而對上述條款所作出的修改及/或修訂。請定期浏覽此網頁查閱任何修改及/或修訂。

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Please read the customer agreement and other related documents carefully and ensure that you fully understand and understand the content. If necessary, please call +852-30501796 (Hong Kong) and our Customer Service Officer.

This agreement is signed by the following parties:
Hawe Gold Industrial Co., Ltd. is an off-exchange precious metals trader established under the Companies Ordinance Chapter 32 of the Laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Its registered address is Room 906, Baoheng Commercial Center, No. 50, East Bonham Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong (hereinafter referred to as “Haiwei Jinye”): And the customer (referring to the other party to this agreement, whose detailed information is listed on the account opening application form) now agrees with each other as follows:

1. The customer wants to decide to open a trading account in Havil Gold for off-site precious metals trading. The customer has asked Havil Gold to open and maintain its trading account with Havil Gold for the purposes described above and to execute customer trading orders.
2. Eight Granville agreed to the following terms and conditions, and from time to time at the request of the customer and in accordance with the absolute discretion of Havil Gold, allow the customer to open a trading account and maintain it with a specific or specified account name, number, or other means Its account. Hadway Gold agreed to execute all orders issued by the customer or authorised authorised person for off-site precious metals trading in accordance with the terms and conditions set out below in this Agreement.

1. Definitions and Explanations

1.1 In this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, the following phrases have the following meanings:
Hao Wei Jinye: Including Hewei Gold Industry Co., Ltd., heirs and assignees.
Customers: If the customer is an individual, it includes the customer and his/her executors and estate administrators; if the customer is a sole proprietorship, it includes a sole proprietor and its executors and administrators. And the heirs to its business; if the customer is a partner business number, it includes the firm partners, their respective executors and estate administrators during the maintenance of the customer account referred to above, and will at any time later become or have become a corporate partnership. Any other person of the person, their respective executors and estate administrators, and the heirs of the partnership business; if the client is a company, the company and its heirs are included.
Agreement: Including this Agreement, the Customer's notice in the Attachment, Risk Disclosure Statement, Account Opening Application Form, Customer's Statement and all other agreements entered into by Customer at all times in order to maintain its Hewlett Packard Enterprise account. The agreement, or authorization given, and all attachments, lists, additions, and amendments to the above-mentioned documents, which are published from time to time by Hewei Gold in writing.
Account: refers to the customer's trading account opened in Hawe Gold.
Hao Wei Jinye Internet Service: refers to the online trading service provided by Havil Gold, any information contained in the service system and the software that constitutes the system.
Initial Margin: refers to the minimum amount of all transactions that must be deposited by the customer with Honeywell at the time of or prior to each transaction order. This amount may be regulated by Hewlett Packard Gold Limited from time to time as appropriate.
Except as otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, including writing, printing, teletext, email, fax, and any other method of reproduction of legible text or graphics, In terms of the gold industry, it includes the contents of the Hawe Gold Industry published on its official website.
Maintenance margin: is the minimum balance that must be maintained for each contract after the customer deposits the initial margin. This amount can be stipulated by the Hawe Gold Industry from time to time as appropriate.
OTC: means off-site transactions.
OTC Precious Metals: Refers to off-site precious metals, including gold/silver transactions.
Password: refers to the customer's private password that is assigned to the customer and used with the customer's user name to connect with the service.
Services: refers to any service or OTC precious metal trading facility provided by Hewlett-Packard Gold and/or on behalf of Honeywell Gold. These facilities enable customers to give instructions to buy and/or sell OTC precious metals via the Internet or other means, and to receive account information and receive related services.
Intermediary: refers to the intermediary or referral person who introduces the customer to the Bahui Gold Trading Company. Its identity is an independent third party and it is not an employee or agent of Babel Gold.
SFC: refers to the Securities and Futures Commission established under the Securities and Futures Ordinance.
Secretary of Securities and Futures Ordinance: refers to the Securities and Futures Ordinance, Chapter 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong as amended or updated from time to time.
User name: refers to the identification of the customer's private name assigned by Havil Gold, which uses the serial service, account information, and other related services along with the password.
1.2 Headings are for convenience only and should not interfere with the interpretation of this Agreement.
1.3 This agreement uses words in the singular and plural forms to refer to each other. A term referring to one gender includes other species.
The paragraph headings of this agreement are for the convenience of examination and do not limit or affect the application and significance of the paragraph provisions.

2. Customer Claims

When signing this agreement and applying for an account, the customer confirms that Havil Gold has been registered as a member of the Hong Kong Gold and Silver Industry Exchange and holds a license of the Bank of China Gold and Steel Industry Trader. Its business operations must comply with the criteria of the China Gold & Silver Exchange Bureau. The current off-site precious metals The transaction is not a regulated activity under the Securities and Futures Ordinance. It has read this agreement in detail, understands, agrees and accepts its content and transaction details, and agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this agreement, especially the customer's advice and risks in the annex. Disclosure, at the time of signing this agreement, it is fully aware of the nature of the transaction and the risks it is subject to.

3. Opening and Closing Accounts

3.1 If the customer selects “I agree with this customer agreement” in the account opening application form on the website of Hawei Gold, it is equivalent to the original one signed with this customer agreement. Havil Gold will not mail the customer agreement separately. The customer must sign and receive the original copy of the customer agreement in person at the Hawe Gold Office.
3.2 Heweijin Industry only accepts individuals who have valid identification documents or valid passports to open trading accounts. The voucher number can only open one transaction account per person. If it is found that the same investor holds multiple accounts at the same time in Bawei Gold Industry, Hewei Jinye reserves the right to cancel the other accounts of the investor.
3.3If the customer needs to close the account, he/she needs to fill out the cancellation application form. If the customer has closed the position, Hewei Gold will handle it within two working days after receiving the application.

4. Capital Injection and Withdrawal

4.1 The customer can deposit funds for the customer's trading account based on the capital injection provided on the Hewei Gold website. Unless Hewei Jinye has verified the receipt of funds from customers, Hewei Gold will not be able to provide capital injections for customers. If the customer uses bank remittances to generate funds, the commissions are borne by the customer himself. All capital injections are confirmed by Havil Gold's confirmation of receipt of customer deposit funds. The customer shall not cause the orders or the closing instructions of the order to be accepted or confirmed by Havil Gold because of the capital injection or any other reasons, and shall not be held responsible for any of Hawe Gold's responsibilities.
Hajee Gold Metal only accepts deposits from customers who use their designated bank account. Havil Gold has discretion to consider accepting clients' entrusting its immediate family members or closely affiliates to help deposit funds, but it will not accept customers' deposits with other third parties on behalf of customers. The Eight Guardian Gold Metals Group reserves the right to investigate and verify the refusal of customers to enter third-party accounts. If the customer fails to submit the relationship certificate and account certification required by the Havil Gold Industry, Havilt Gold will freeze the customer account in real time to conduct investigations, prohibit its account from conducting all transactions, and have full rights to perform the following processing on the customer's account:
4.1.1 If the customer’s account has never been traded, Bade Gold will deduct 6 percent of all third-party deposits as reasonable operating costs and return the balance to the deposit bank account;
4.1.2 If the customer account has made any transactions, Allway Gold will cancel all transactions and offers (including but not limited to commissions, bonuses) from third party deposits.
After deducting 6 percent of all third-party deposits as reasonable operating costs, the balance will be refunded to the incoming bank account;
4.1.3 Havil Gold has decided to report incidents to any relevant regulatory agency or law enforcement agency based on discretion.
4.2 Before opening an account or making a withdrawal for the first time, you must submit the customer's identity proof or a valid passport and copy of the bank card to Havil Gold, otherwise, Hawee Gold will not accept the customer's account opening or withdrawal application. To ensure the safety of customers' funds, the customer must bind the customer ID card and the bank account opened with my real name before opening the account to withdraw money, and can only withdraw funds through this bonded bank account.
4.3 In view of the third party's reason, the payment processing speed of the bank is difficult to control and predict by Babel Gold. Therefore, the customer may not be able to receive the withdrawal amount within the estimated time.
4.4 Heweijinye reserves the right to adjust the capital injection and withdrawal fees at any time and all the relevant interpretation rights.
4.5 Customers need to ensure that all sources of funding are legal and do not involve any illegal activities. Havil Gold has the right to request the client to provide proof of the legal source of funds at any time. If the client fails to provide proof of the source of funds that Hajee Gold believes is satisfactory, Havil Gold can freeze the client's account in real time and stop providing services to the client.
and notify the joint wealth investigation team according to law. Hajee Gold Metals reserves the right to investigate any loss caused by the customer's failure to provide proof of the legal source of funds.

5. Deal Authorization

5.1 Hewlett-Packard Gold can perform and/or
or release the market for some or all of the customer's buy and sell orders. Hadway Gold is authorized to buy or sell OTC precious metals for client accounts from third parties such as banks and financial institutions in accordance with the customer's verbal, written or computer instructions.
(i) When Hadkin Gold is authorised to execute the instruction and does not need to consult the validity of the instruction, it may consider the instruction as a valid instruction from the customer or its licensor;
(ii) In any case, Havil Gold does not need to verify the validity of the written instructions or the signature of any particular case;
(iii) In the event that Bade Gold operates in good faith and without gross negligence, the customer will assume all risks of issuing unauthorised instructions and the customer will be liable for any loss, expense, remuneration, damage. , expenses, claims, lawsuits, or requests for liability, and ensure that no liability is claimed or compensation is required from Havil Gold, and that Hawdale Gold will not cause any loss as a result of the above, including any actual actions that may be related to or arising from the Hajei gold industry. , delays in action or refusal to take action, any instructions or data provided by the customer to Badway Gold, including improper, unauthorized or fraudulent instructions from the customer, even if the instructions were not authorized by the customer:
(iv) Havil Gold has the right to set the total amount and/or the total number of positions that the customer can place on each order and have the right to limit the positions the customer receives or holds. Havil Gold will strive to execute the order it chooses to accept according to the customer's instructions. The customer's order instructions, including closing instructions, may or may not be acceptable to Hewlett Packard Enterprise, or may not be executed or accepted for various reasons. Havil Gold does not accept any responsibility for orders or closeouts that have not been implemented or accepted.
(v) Havil Gold has the right to refuse to accept any order, and Hajee Gold does not guarantee that the customer can modify the Stop Loss or Stop Earnings settings at any time, and Hajee Gold is not responsible for any of the Hawe. Damages or damages caused by incidents, actions or omissions that may not be directly or indirectly controlled by Gold Industry, including but not limited to any loss or delay caused by delays or inaccuracies in the transmission of orders or information due to transmission or communication facility malfunctions. damage. In the transaction procedures, because of various reasons, if you want to set a stop loss or stop earning, it may not be able to be executed, and the order is still performed according to the old instructions. Therefore, the damage caused by the loss will not be responsible for the damages caused to you. The customer understands and accepts that this is not responsible. One of the risks involved in trading using the online trading platform;
5.2 Due to errors in the Internet, connection delays, and quotation, sometimes the quotes displayed on the Babel Gold Trading Platform cannot accurately reflect the real-time price. Sometimes the transaction price may not be the same as the price seen on the system platform when the customer orders. The customer expressly accepts and agrees that the final price of all transactions is based on the transaction record of the trading system of Havil Gold.

6. Government, Third Party Organizations, and Interbank System Rules

All transactions under this Agreement are subject to the constitution, rules, regulations, rules, customs, usage, rulings and interpretations of third-party institutions or other banks, clearing organizations, exchanges, trading committees, and regulatory agencies that govern the execution of transactions and are executed. All applicable laws, if any laws passed afterwards, or any regulations passed by any government agency, shall bind, influence, or conflict with any of the terms of this agreement, the affected clauses shall be deemed to be affected by relevant laws and regulations. Changes, or substitutions, and other terms and changed terms will continue to be fully effective. The Client acknowledges that all transactions under this Agreement are governed by the foregoing limitations and conditions.

7. Agree to cross-trade

The customer hereby acknowledges and agrees that the following may occur: a business associate, director, affiliate, associate, employee, bank or bank employee, trader and Howay Gold Industry itself related to Howay Gold. Both may be opponents or principals of the client's account for trading, and the client hereby agrees to perform the above transaction. The only restrictions are any possible regulations or regulations of the bank, institution, exchange or trading committee that executed the trade order, or any possible restrictions and conditions of other regulatory agencies.

8. Account settlement and debt payment

8.1 The following situations occur:
(i) Customer's death or judicial declaration of incapacity;
(ii) the customer has filed for bankruptcy or has chosen to appoint a trustee, or the customer has performed any bankruptcy or similar lawsuit automatically or passively;
(iv) Insufficient margin, or the fact that Eight Shields has determined that any collateral used to protect one or more of the customer's accounts is insufficient to warrant the account, regardless of the current market price;
(v) The customer failed to provide Havil Gold with any information required under this Agreement;
(vi) any other circumstances or changes that should be taken by Bade Gold.
The customer authorizes Havil Gold to have the sole discretion to take one or more of the following actions and may handle customer account settlement and reimbursement in the following manner:
(i) buy and sell any precious metal positions held for the customer;
(ii) cancel any or all outstanding orders, or any other commitments made on behalf of the customer.
8.2 Hewlett-Packard Gold does not require any of the above actions to be conditional on demanding a security deposit or margin call, or notifying the customer, the customer’s personal representative, heirs, or the principal in advance of the purchase or sale decision. The transferor, etc., and regardless of whether the proprietary interest involved is exclusive to the customer or co-owned with others, Hewei Gold will cancel all contracts of the customer that have been opened in order to establish the Bawei Jinye Judgment that it is beneficial to protect or reduce the customer's interest. Some position difference or all lock contract
8.3 The customer will be responsible for the debts owed to his account at any time, and any time his account is closed in whole or in part by Hewlett-Packard, or any of his own, at any time. They are all responsible for their remaining debts.
8.4 If funds to be closed under this authorization are insufficient to cover the debt owed by the customer to Havil Gold, the customer will immediately pay the debt, all outstanding debt, and Corresponding interest (calculated as follows: at that time, the prevailing interest rate of the major bank of Baxie Goldbank plus 3% or the maximum interest rate prescribed by law, choose the lower one)
, and all the toll collection fees, including legal fees, witness fees , travel expenses, etc. If Hadway Gold Industries pays the customer's account other than the collection of arrears, the customer agrees to pay such fees.

9. Customer Risk Assurance

9.1 The customer understands that investing in leverage or leveraged trading is speculative, involves a high degree of risk, and is only suitable for individuals who are able to bear more than their risk of deposit loss. The Client understands that due to the lower margin normally required for OTC precious metals trading, the price changes of OTC precious metals may cause considerable losses which may exceed the customer's investment and margin deposits. The Client warrants that he is willing and able to assume the risk of OTC precious metals transactions, financially or otherwise, and the Client agrees not to incur losses of transactions as a result of recommendations or advice concerning the transactions made by the Company, its employees, agents or representatives. Investigate the responsibility of the eight-gold industry. The client recognizes that it is impossible to guarantee that the OTC precious metals trade fair will be profitable or free from losses. The Client acknowledges that it has not obtained such guarantee from Havil Gold, or any of its representatives or introducers, or any other entity with which the customer engages in the transaction, and does not enter into this agreement in accordance with any of the above warranties.
9.2 The customer also understands that the precious metals trading involves potential profits and losses. If the trading conditions are unfavorable, the loss may exceed the initial guarantee amount. The price fluctuations in precious metal trading are affected by a variety of global factors. Most of these factors are difficult to predict, and the sharp fluctuations in gold and silver prices may cause investors to fail to clear the sale. Although the employees of Hadway Gold Metals continue to pay attention to the situation, they cannot and do not guarantee any accuracy of forecast, nor can they guarantee that any loss will not exceed a certain amount.

10. Reports and confirmations

The order confirmation report and the customer's account statement will be deemed correct, final and binding on the customer unless the customer immediately gives written objections within eight days of receiving the report on the platform or other method of service delivery. As an alternative to postal mail confirmation, Havil Gold will provide customers with an internet login to view their account at any time. The customer's written correspondence is sent to the latest office address on the website of Havil Gold. The address may be changed from time to time and the customer should request a return receipt. If not objected, all actions taken by Havil Gold or its introducers before the customer receives the above report will be deemed to have been approved. The failure of the client to receive confirmation of the transaction does not relieve him of his obligation to make such objections. The customer agrees to electronically transmit transaction confirmations and bills. All customer disputes with Hajee Gold, if it involves transactions made by customers using the trading platform provided by Havil Gold, the relevant transaction data is based on the system data of Hajee Gold, and is the only evidence used by the parties in dispute. , binding on both parties.

11. Termination

This agreement will remain in effect until termination. The customer may terminate the agreement at any time, as long as the customer does not hold open contracts, does not have any debt with the Haje gold industry, and Hajee gold industry receives a notification, or any time Haven gold industry terminates the written termination to the customer. The notice shall come into force upon the close of the day of the issuance of the notice, and the termination of such conditions shall not affect any prior signed transaction and shall not relieve any party of any of its obligations under this agreement, or relieve the customer of any liability for any arrears.

12. Compensation

The Client agrees that if the Client fails to perform its undertaking in full and in time or because its statement or warranty is not true or correct, it will incur any liability, loss, damage, cost or expense, including legal fees The client will compensate and indemnify the relevant agencies, employees, agents, heirs and transferors of Havil Gold. The Client also agrees to immediately pay damages, costs and expenses, including attorney’s fees, incurred by Havil Gold in the execution of any provision of this Agreement. In addition, if the loss comes from including, but not limited to, the following items, Havil Gold will not be liable or compensate for the loss:
(i) Customer's behavior: action of the client or authorizer or their omission;
(ii) Forged signatures: Forged signatures or unauthorised signatures on all accounts or documents related to this agreement;
(iii) Troubles: system failures, equipment failures, system outages, or system failures (whether it be customers or Hewlett-Packard or telecommunications service provider equipment);
(iv) Delay: A delay, failure, or error that occurs while implementing any instructions;
(v) data: Incorrect or incomplete instructions received from customers.

13. Transaction recommendations

13.1 The Client acknowledges that any market recommendation and information provided by Babel Goldman or its staff to the Client does not constitute an offer to purchase or sell an OTC Precious Metals Contract or to solicit to purchase or sell an OTC Precious Metals Position. Such recommendations and information, although based on data sources that are believed to be reliable by Badee Gold, may be entirely based on the personal opinions of a staff member, and therefore such information is incomplete and has not been confirmed by Badee Gold;
13.2 The customer acknowledges that Badway Gold does not warrant and is not responsible for the accuracy and completeness of any information or transaction recommendations offered to customers. The client acknowledges that the company and/or its directors, directors, affiliates, affiliates, shareholders or representatives may hold certain precious metal positions or intend to buy or sell a precious metal. Such transactions will also be recommended by the market. The market position of the above-mentioned supervisors, directors, affiliates, related parties, shareholders, or representatives may not be the same as the customer's recommendation obtained from Hawe Gold.

14. Deal Authorizer

14.1 For any reason, the client grants third party a trading power or control of his/her account, including an intermediary or other third party (hereinafter referred to as the “transaction authorizer”), or according to any transaction Authorized person's information, advice, or instructions to buy or sell precious metals on Havil Gold's platform. Havil Gold neither reviews nor provides any information, advice, or instructions on the information, advice, or instructions provided by the customer's chosen transaction authorizer. responsibility. 14.2 If any trading authorizer provides customers with information, advice, or instructions for precious metals trading, Hewlett-Packard Company shall not be liable for any loss caused by the use of such information, advice, or instructions. The Client acknowledges that Havil Gold and any persons related to it have not made any promise regarding the future profit and loss of the Client's account.
14.3 Hewlett-Packard Gold does not support or sponsor the services provided by the dealer, including information, advice or instructions. Since the transaction authorizer is not an employee or agent of BAWEI GOLD, it is the customer's responsibility to verify and rigorously evaluate it before using the service.

15. Customer Statement and Warranty

(i) The client has a sound mind, reaches the legal age (Hong Kong legal age is 18 years old), and has legal capacity;
(ii) only the client and/or its joint account holders have an interest in the client's account;
(iii) The customer is currently not employed on any exchange, any company that controls the capital held by the exchange, a member of any exchange or any company registered on the exchange, any bank, trust or The insurance company, once the customer accepts the above-mentioned employment, the customer must immediately inform Hawe Gold Industry in writing;
(iv) All the information provided in the application form part of this Agreement is true, correct and complete to this date. If there is a change, the customer will promptly notify Hawthorn of any change in information;
(v) the customer shall fully comply with the relevant laws in its place, including obtaining government or other consent to comply with any other formalities in such areas or jurisdictions, and The platform provided by the gold industry to trade requires payment of any relevant taxes, duties and other amounts due. The Client's trading on the platform provided by Havil Gold will be deemed as the customer's declaration to Havil Gold and warranted that it has complied with its local laws and regulations. If the customer has any questions about the situation, please consult a professional advisor.

16. No Guaranteed Profit or Limitation of Loss

The Customer warrants and declares that it has not entered into any separate agreement with the Client's Introducer or any of the Eight Granville Employees or Agents in relation to the trading of its Eight-Defined Gold Account, including any agreement that guarantees the profitability of the Account or limits losses, the Client agrees It is its responsibility to inform Hawe Gold immediately of any such agreement in writing. In addition, the customer agrees that if any statement made by any person concerning the trading account is different from the statement obtained by the customer from HAWKIN GOLD, the client agrees to submit it to HAWKIN GOLD in writing. The client understands that it must authorize each transaction before it is executed, and any disputed transaction must promptly notify Havil Gold in accordance with the notification requirements of the transaction agreement. If the customer fails to promptly notify Harbin Industry of any damage or debt caused by the dispute, the customer agrees to indemnify Badway Gold for damage.

17. Application Form Information Changes

If there is any change in the information on the customer's account opening application form, it is the customer's responsibility to notify Havil Gold of the relevant change.

18. Agree to transmit transaction confirmations and bills electronically

18.1 The customer hereby agrees that, as a substitute for mailing and email, the customer's account information and transaction confirmation may be provided via the Hawee Gold platform.
18.2 Customers will check their account information through the platform logon account of Havil Gold. Havil Gold will announce all account activities of the customer. The customer will be able to obtain daily, monthly and annual account activity reports, reports of each executed transaction and past transactions of each customer, published in the customer's online account. Its account information will be treated as submitting transaction confirmations and statements. At any time, the account information will include transaction confirmation with ticket number, sale and purchase price, used margin, amount of margin trading available, profit and loss report, and all positions and pending orders.

19. Communication Contact

Reports, statements, notices and other communications may be sent to the customer's e-mail address or the customer's address on the application form. All communications sent out in this way, whether by e-mail, post, telegram or other means, have been deemed to have been sent to the customer after they have been put into the postal service or received by the sending agency. Regardless of whether the customer actually received it.

20. Fees

Customer will pay for Introducer's fees, commissions and special services, or any other fees (including but not limited to premiums and discounts, statement fees, idle account fees, order cancellation fees, transfer fees, and other services) generated by the services provided by Badee Gold. (charges), fees (including but not limited to fees charged by inter-bank institutions, banks, contract markets, or other regulatory or self-regulatory organizations). Havil Gold may receive commissions, fees and/or charges without notice. The customer agrees to pay the interest of Hewei Jinye on the money he owes (calculated as follows: based on the then prevailing interest rate of the major bank of Baxin Gold, plus 3% or the maximum interest rate prescribed by law, choose the lower one).
All these costs will be paid by the customer when they occur or at the absolute discretion of Havil Gold. The customer authorizes Havil Gold to withhold the above fees from his account. The Client agrees to pay the transfer fee as determined by Havil Gold when he instructs Havil Gold to transfer his account's open positions, funds, and/or assets to other institutions. Hawee Gold confirms that all prices quoted to customers do not include premiums and discounts.
Depending on the transaction's precious metal contracts, customers are charged premiums or discounts, including purchases or sales, and the premiums or discounts are adjusted on a regular basis. Customers are advised to read the online revisions.
The Client agrees to be personally responsible for the taxes and fees levied by the government on the benefits of all transactions or trading activities. The client also agrees to withhold or deduct these taxes or fees directly from the client's account when due.

21.Regarding Margin and Recovery Mechanism

21.1 The customer shall provide and maintain the amount of the security deposit from time to time as set up by the Havil Gold Industry. This margin amount is decided by the full power of Hawe Gold. Badee Gold may also change the margin requirement at any time without reason. The customer agrees to make wire transfers into the recovery funds immediately upon request by Havil Gold and promptly meet all margin requirements with the transfer method required by Havil Gold, and the fees involved in any remittance and transfer process, including bank charges, The exchange rate difference and all related expenses are the responsibility of the customer. The customer fully understands that Bade Gold needed time to process the deposits of the relevant customers. The customer may not be able to use the newly deposited margin as a deposit for the new position in real time, and may not be used as a margin call. The customer agrees to bear all due to the failure In order to satisfy the margin requirement in time and face the loss of mandatory liquidation, the loss can exceed the initial margin invested by the client.
21.2 The customer reserves the right to notify Havil Gold of the withdrawal of the designated cash balance available at any time. The customer agrees that any fees involved in the process of remittance and transfer, including bank charges, exchange rate spreads and all related charges are to be paid by the customer. Be responsible for. The customer fully understands that Hachijin Industry needs time to process withdrawals from customers. The customer may not be able to receive the withdrawal in real time. The client agrees not to pursue the responsibility of Badi Gold because of its failure to meet its own withdrawal requirements in a timely manner. The customer confirms that once the withdrawal request is issued, Havil Gold will deduct the amount from the customer account balance in real time.
21.3 Havil Gold may liquidate the customer's account at any time in accordance with the provisions of this agreement. Even if Havil Gold does not exercise this right, it does not mean that it has waived this right. Any past security requirement of Badi Gold has not prevented Eight Power Gold from increasing the margin requirement without notice.
21.4 Recovery Mechanism
Under normal market conditions, the margin recovery mechanism is for the hedge account balance to be lower than the value of the funds deposited in the account. When the current net value is lower than a certain percentage of the guaranteed amount of the position, the margin recovery mechanism will automatically close the position with the most losses. Specific ratios need to refer to the transaction details. If there are unfavorable market conditions, especially when there is a large price fluctuation, the loss caused by the execution price of the closed position by the guarantee money recovery mechanism may exceed the balance of the customer's account. The customer is obliged to repay the deficit in the account.

22. Recordings

The customer agrees and acknowledges that any customer-accurate exchanges between the customer and Hewlett-Packard or its staff may be recorded, whether or not automated warnings are used. The customer further agrees that any party may use such recordings or transcripts to produce evidence in any dispute or litigation involving any customer or Bawi Gold. The customer understands and agrees that Havil Gold regularly deletes such recordings in accordance with its established business procedures.

23. Credit Report

The customer authorizes Havil Gold, or the agent to investigate the credit status of the customer in the name of Hajee Gold and contact Haven Gold for the appropriate (all) banks, financial institutions and credit institutions in relation to the confirmed customer data. . The client further authorizes Havil Gold to investigate its current and past investment activities and contact the futures dealers, exchanges, brokers/dealers, banks, and forensic information centers as deemed appropriate by Havil Gold. If the customer makes a request in writing to Havil Gold, the customer may be allowed to copy the above records at the expense of the customer.

24. Transaction Codes

Hadway Gold provides free trading code for Hong Kong Gold and Silver Exchange, but retains the final fee. The client should keep the data of the login trading platform confidential and secure. These login data are directly transmitted to customers by Havil Gold. Therefore, only the account holder owns such login data and enters the trading platform for trading transactions. When logging on to the trading platform for the first time, customers should change the login password and keep their own collections. The customer is responsible for all trading activities in the customer trading account. When the customer suspects that the login information has been obtained by a third party, the customer should change the password in real time or notify Havil Gold of changing the login password.

25. Phone Closeout

25.1 If the trading platform is unable to log in, Havil Gold provides phone closeout services for customers to close their positions on the phone. The client needs to provide the transaction account number, transaction account password and ID number. The customer service has the right to further verify the identity data with the customer, and the customer needs to confirm the cooperation. After the data provided is correct, the phone is authorized by the customer. Hajee Gold will not further verify the provider's other information, nor will it be liable for any loss caused by the non-client's submission of the customer's identity data.
25.2 The customer needs to dial the phone closing number specified by Havil Gold to handle the phone closing business. After getting the confirmation of the customer's identity from Hadway Gold, the phone can be closed. When the phone is closed, the customer needs to clearly state the order number, commodity type, and direction of opening the position. The customer service will then report the closing price and confirm with the customer. The customer must clearly indicate on the phone whether to agree to the quotation. The customer service can report the details of the transaction ticket in the trading account to the customer and confirm the closing price to the customer. Phone closeouts need to be confirmed by Babel Gold.
25.3 Hachijin Industry was unable to control the call signal and the number of calls from customers. The customer agreed not to pursue any damages caused by the inability to close out the phone due to inability to close out the phone and because the customer failed to do so for any reason. Use the telephone to close out any losses caused.

26. Constraints effectiveness

This agreement covers all accounts opened or reopened by the customer at any time in Hawe Gold, regardless of any changes in personnel of Havil Gold or other heirs, transferors or affiliates. In the event of a merger, merger or other change, this agreement (including any authorizations) will be valid for the benefit of Eighth Ventures or other heirs or assignors, and the client and/or his or her inheritance, principal, administrator, statutory Representatives, heirs and transferors are binding. The client agrees that the rights or obligations related to the transaction are governed by the terms of this agreement.

27. Agreement Acceptance

Only after the customer fills out the application form and agrees with this agreement provided by Hawe Gold, and this is confirmed and approved by Havil Gold, this agreement may be deemed to have been accepted or become a customer for Havil Gold. The binding contract between Havil Gold.

28. Agreement Modifications

The customer understands, confirms and agrees that Hewlett-Packard may amend the terms of this Agreement from time to time, and Hewlett-Packard Gold will notify the customer of these changes or changes on the Hewlett Packard Enterprise website. The client should regularly review the changes to the terms and agree to be bound by this.

29. Exemptions or Changes

Except for the amendments that may be sent from time to time on the network by Havil Gold, no terms of this Agreement may be exempted or altered unless the exemptions or changes are in writing and signed by the Client and the authorized officer of Havil Gold. . The process of interaction between the parties to the agreement or the failure of the Eight Defendants or other agents to assert their rights under the agreement under any circumstances or circumstances may not be indirectly construed as a waiver or change of rights. Any verbal agreement or instruction other than a telephone closeout may not be recognized or enforced.

30. Transfer of rights

Under this agreement, Havil Gold can authorize all or part of its rights or obligations to anyone without prior consent or approval from the customer. The client's rights and obligations in this agreement may not be transferred without the written consent of Havil Gold.

31.Privacy Policy

Hadway Gold's privacy policy is based on the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance to protect the rights of customers, facilitate the opening and maintenance of precious metal accounts, provide financing and financial advisory services. The Eight Guardian Gold Metals loyally monitors the personal data provided by customers. In addition to being approved by law, Havil Gold will never provide any non-public information to any individual person. When a customer opens or maintains a trading account with Hadway Gold, the personal data provided will only be used for internal commercial purposes of the company, such as assessing the financial needs of the customer, handling the customer’s transactions and other requirements, and providing relevant information. Products and services, providing services on general transactions and confirming client identities based on regulatory procedures. The data that Havil Gold needs customers to provide for their operation includes:
(i) Personal data provided on the account application forms and other forms of Badee Gold, such as name, address, date of birth, identification or passport number, occupation, assets, and income data. Etc.;
(ii) Transaction data relating to customers and Hachi Gold and its affiliates;
(iii) Information about the customer survey report company;
(iv) Information about verifying the identity of a customer, such as a government document, passport, or driver's license.
Havil Gold will only provide limited data to the customers of the service customers in order to provide relevant customer service and product introductions. Haddon Gold can only access relevant information through the electronic system when it authorizes the new account application. These procedural requirements are to protect customers' non-public data from being disclosed and protect customer privacy. Norwich Gold will not sell or rent any of its customers' names and personal data to anyone.
32. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
The laws of Hong Kong shall apply only to disputes, disputes or claims, termination of breach of contract, or invalidity of agreements arising from or in connection with this Agreement and shall be settled by arbitration. It shall be conducted in accordance with the arbitration rules of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law which are in effect at the time of submitting the arbitration notice. The appointment shall be conducted by an arbitrator appointed by the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre. The designated place of arbitration shall be the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre in Hong Kong. Arbitration language is Chinese. This agreement is governed by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in which Hajee Gold is located. Any decision made by the arbitration will be final and binding, and any court with jurisdiction may enforce it according to law.

Annex 1 Customer Notice

(1) OTC Precious Metals trading is only available to professional institutions or professional investment professionals whose financial resources can withstand losses that far exceed the value of the deposit or deposit.
(2) Customers should note that margin-based OTC precious metals trading is one of the most risky investment methods in the financial market and is only suitable for experienced investors and institutions. Accounts opened in Hawe Gold allow customers to trade precious metals with high leverage. Given the possibility of losing all of the investment, the speculative funds in the precious metals trading market must be venture capital funds, and their losses will not have a great impact on the financial status of individual customers or institutions.
(3) If customers have only invested in low-risk investment vehicles in the past, customers may need to learn precious metal trading before the official sale. The client needs to realize that if the market trend during the trading precious metals is not as expected by the client, the client may lose all the funds deposited in the Bawei Gold Industry as the initial margin. If the customer wishes to continue the investment of the customer, the customer must confirm that the customer's funds are pure risk capital funds, and the loss of these funds will not endanger the customer's life style or damage the customer's future retirement plan. In addition, customers fully understand the nature and risks of precious metal investments, and the losses incurred by customers when investing do not affect third parties.
(4) OTC precious metals business does not trade in organized markets, so there is no need to open outcry. Although many computer-based systems offer quotations and actual prices, both may differ due to market liquidity. Many electronic transaction facilities are supported by computer-based systems to place, execute, and match transactions. As with all facilities and systems, they are susceptible to temporary failure. The client’s ability to recover certain losses may be limited by the limited liability of system providers, market banks and/or financial institutions. These responsibilities may not be the same.
(5) In the OTC precious metals market, companies trading for customers may also be opponents of customer transactions. In this case, closing a position, assessing value, determining fair value or assessing risk may be difficult or impossible. For these reasons, such transactions may involve greater risks. OTC transactions may be less regulated or regulated by different regulatory systems. Before starting a transaction, customers should understand the applicable regulations and the accompanying risks.
(6) Hadway Gold cannot guarantee the reputation of the client's counterparty, and Hajee Gold can only do its best to deal with institutions and clearing houses with good reputation. In addition, there may be a situation where the decrease in trading liquidity causes the precious metal trading to stop, thereby hindering the smooth liquidation of unfavorable positions, which may bring about considerable financial losses.
(7) The customer confirms the purchase or sale of the precious metal and conducts transactions. Each transaction can only be credited to the customer's account.
(8) Hewlett-Packard Gold's margin policy, and the institution/clearing house's policy of executing the transaction may require the client to provide additional funds to maintain his margin account, and the client is obligated to meet such margin requirements. Otherwise, the liquidation of the position and the corresponding loss may result. Havil Gold reserves the right to refuse to accept orders or provide market hedging.
(9) Transactions in an electronic trading system may not only be different from transactions in the interbank market, but may also be different from transactions in other companies' electronic systems. If a customer engages in a transaction on an electronic platform, the customer will face the risks associated with the system, including hardware and software failures. A system failure may make it difficult for a customer's order to be performed at the customer's instructions or not at all.
(10) If a customer passes a transaction authorization or the management of his account to a third party ("transaction introducer"), whether based on autonomy or non-autonomy, Hewlett-Packard The industry will never be responsible for the choices made by customers or make any recommendations for them. Havil Gold does not make any representations or warranties with respect to the transaction introducer; Havilcraft is not liable for losses incurred by the customer because of the conduct of the transaction introducer; Havil Gold does not make any indirect or direct use of the transaction introducer's methods of operation. Support or approval. If the customer authorizes the transaction introducer to manage his account, the customer is responsible for the risks.
(11) Customers should fully comply with relevant local laws, including obtaining government or other consent to comply with any other formalities in these areas or jurisdictions, and using relevant platforms. The transaction requires the payment of any local taxes, duties, and other amounts. Customers trading on the Hadwin Gold Platform will be deemed to have declared and warranted to the Havil Gold Industry that the customer has complied with local laws and regulations. If you have any questions about the situation, you should consult your professional advisor yourself. The client acknowledges that Badi Gold has not made any guarantee regarding the taxation or treatment of OTC precious metals contracts.
(12) All customers must be aware that any return guarantees are illegal. In addition, unless there is a written record signed by an authorized person in Havil Gold, Havil Gold is not responsible for any claims or guarantees made by Havil Gold, its employees and/or associates.

Appendix 2 Account Opening Application Form

I hereby declare
1. The data and statements contained in this account opening application form are true, complete and correct;
2. I will assume all responsibility for the final instructions issued by individuals and trading systems;
3. I am the person who is prepared to receive the commercial/economic benefits of the transaction and/or bear commercial/economic risks.
I hereby confirm and agree that unless Hewei Gold Industry Co., Ltd. is notified by my change, Hewei Gold Co., Ltd. can rely entirely on the above data and statements for all purposes.
I hereby confirm that I have read and understand the Hewei Gold Client Agreement, including the appraisal and risk disclosure statements in the appendix, and have been notified to seek independent advice before opening an account. I agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the Hewei Gold Customer Agreement and understand and confirm that Hewei Gold is entitled to amend the terms and conditions of the Agreement from time to time. The Eight Defender Gold Industry will make the relevant changes or changes to the customer on the website of Havil Gold ( The customer is responsible for regularly reviewing the changes to the terms and agreeing to be bound by the amendments.
I hereby confirm that Badi Gold does not provide any advice or advice concerning investment, tax or law. Havil Gold has the right to revise the terms of this agreement from time to time.

Annex III Anti-Money Laundering Memorandum:

Since I/I has opened an account with Bawei Gold Co., Ltd. (hereafter referred to as the company), we have read, understood and signed the following statement on money laundering. The money-laundering activities referred to in this statement include the sale of controlled drugs, the provision of funds to terrorist organizations, and financial irregularities. The crime of sales of controlled drugs refers to the manufacture, import, and sale of controlled drugs.
Financial irregularities refer to the concealment of assets by recipients, custodians, trustees, or court executives, and the concealment of assets from creditors during bankruptcy proceedings; in bankruptcy proceedings, they intentionally violate the provisions of the bankruptcy law and create falsehoods. Transfer of conduct; Making false oaths or demands in bankruptcy proceedings; Offering bribes; Giving commissions or gifts in loan procedures; Stealing, misappropriating or improperly lending to banks, other lending institutions, and insurance institutions; Making hypocrisy to banks or credit institutions Loan or credit application; and mailing, telegraphic transfer or fraud to the bank or the robbing and theft of bank postal operations.
Money laundering activities also include the use of counterfeit deposits, loan transactions, and the use or assistance of politicians or their agents to individuals or businesses in drug trafficking areas known to people. They cannot explain the funds of legal sources, or are described as Large amounts of government agencies or state-owned enterprises, or government contract commissions, etc., carry out investment-related activities.
Other crimes related to money laundering include counterfeiting, espionage, abduction and removal of hostages, infringement of copyrights, or the introduction of goods through false statements, the appropriation or removal of goods under the custody of customs officers, weapons of illegal production, etc. Inside.
I/We have read and understood the contents of this Money Laundering Prevention Memorandum. I hereby confirm that I/We own the assets or any company property owned/managed by me/I, etc., are not from the conduct described in the Memorandum. Each time I/We pay to our company, we are deemed to repeat this statement.

1. Spread Adjustment

According to market conditions, the trading platform may adjust the spreads half an hour before the market closes and in the first half hour of the market opening (there may be 5 minutes before and after the error), and the system display shall prevail. When the market fluctuations are large, the spread fees may be adjusted according to market conditions. The system display is correct. Bade Gold received standard spreads and reserves the right to adjust the spreads charged by the trading platform at any time without prior notice. Hawee Gold has the power to interpret and charge the spreads.

2. Forced Closeout

When the customer account's prepayment rate reaches 30%, the system will force the liquidation from the most loss-bearing transaction order, until the prepayment ratio returns to more than 30%. When there is a large jump in price volatility, it is possible to skip 30% and force a liquidation at a prepayment ratio of less than 30% or result in a negative balance. The proportion of margin is maintained at 200% over the weekend. Before the weekend break and the beginning of Monday, the maintenance margin ratio is adjusted to 200%, and it is necessary to pay attention to the capital position of the holding position. Reminder, weekends will charge overnight interest rates, overnight interest rates also need to be taken into account.

3. Validity period of pending order and stop loss profit setting

Pending order and stop loss profit setting is valid for one trading week. After the weekend, all pending orders and unexecuted stop loss profit setting will be cancelled. Clients can reset after opening on Monday, if needed. In addition, international holidays need to be closed or non-farm the same day, all pending orders pending and non-implemented stop loss / profit setting may be canceled.

4. Capital Injection

1) The customer may deposit funds for the customer's trading account in accordance with the capital injection method provided on the Havil Gold website.
2) Hewlett-Packard Gold will not be able to make capital injections for customers unless he has verified the receipt of funds from the customer.
3) If the customer uses bank remittances to inject funds, the costs incurred will be borne by the customer.
4) Bade Gold cannot guarantee the connection status of the internet. The client agrees not to pursue the responsibility of Havil Gold for the loss caused by the inability to make timely capital injection on the website.

5. Withdrawal

1) Before the first withdrawal, you must submit the customer's own valid ID card and photocopy of the bank card to Havil Gold, otherwise, Hawee Gold will not accept the customer's withdrawal application.
2) The fee for remittances generated by a customer requesting a single withdrawal of US$50 or more shall be borne by Heva Gold.
3) If the customer applies for a single withdrawal of less than US$50, Hewei Gold will charge 3 US dollars as the remittance fee.
4) When the customer applies for a withdrawal, the transaction amount is less than 50% of the injection amount, and 80% of the withdrawal amount will be charged as the remittance fee.
5) Hewei Gold will start processing the receipt of the withdrawal application. It is expected that the processing will be processed within 2 hours and the money will be remitted.
6) Due to third-party reasons, the processing speed of the bank cannot be controlled and accurately predicted by the Hawe Gold. Therefore, customers may not be able to receive the withdrawal within 2 hours. The customer agrees not to pursue the responsibility of Havil Gold for the payment of more than 2 hours.
7) The incoming currency depends on the location of the bank card where the customer holds the deposit. The mainland bank card customer arrival currency is RMB, and the Hong Kong area bank card customer arrival currency is Hong Kong dollar. The customer arrival currency in other regions is the US dollar. .
8) Hewei Jinye reserves all rights of interpretation and decision for the capital injection and withdrawal fee.

6. Exchange Rates

All non-US dollar deposits will be converted into U.S. dollars. At the time of withdrawal, Havil Gold will exchange the corresponding currency for the customer according to the market exchange rate. The customer agrees that Havil Gold is redeemed at the market exchange rate provided.

7. Transaction code

(1) The transaction code is purchased by the company to the Hong Kong Gold and Silver Industry Exchange. The Hong Kong Gold and Silver Industry Trade Center will confirm the transaction price and issue a transaction code and provide inquiries on its official website. Badee Gold will distribute the purchased transaction code to the customer for free. (2) There is a one-to-one correspondence between the open/close transaction code and the customer's order number, which is unique.
(3) The free transaction code is a benefit provided to the customer by Havil Gold, and Havil Gold reserves the right to charge the transaction code.

8. Limitations of ultra-short positions

There is no special restriction on short-term trading by Hajee Gold. As long as it is a normal transaction, short-term trading is acceptable.

9. Transaction history and transaction history

In the event of a dispute between the customer and Hajei Gold, Hawee Gold Metals reserves the right to publish the customer's transaction history and transaction records to clarify its power.

10. Trading Platform Execution Mechanism

The client understands and agrees that the trading platform processes orders according to its own execution mechanism. When multiple orders reach the effective price at the same time, the order of execution is not in accordance with the order of the prices, and the order of creation of the transaction orders is also one of the determining factors. Where the platform is involved in the issue of handling the order of concurrent-valued transaction orders, the customer agrees that the processing mechanism of the trading platform shall prevail, and Havil Gold has the final right to interpret the processing mechanism of the trading platform.

11. Set the distance

The set distance between the pending order and the stop loss/gaining distance current price may have different settings at different time periods. Havil Gold reserves the right to change the set distance at any time without prior notice. All set distances are based on the actual settings of the trading platform system.

12. Offers

Hadway Gold has the right to interpret the offers offered to customers and decides whether or not the customers enjoy the benefits and benefits.

13. Entry Order Instructions

The stop-loss or take profit level that passes after triggering the unit price will be considered as a stop loss or profit. If a Stop Loss or Take Profit level passes before the pending order trigger price, the pending order has not been triggered and is not considered to have reached the Stop Loss or Take Profit level.

(1) This statement does not indicate that all risks and other important aspects of trading of precious metals (including gold and silver) have been disclosed. In view of the risks involved, the client confirmed that prior to the commencement of such transactions, he had understood the nature of the transaction and the degree of risk faced by the client, and was aware that the precious metal transaction was not suitable for the general public. The client must carefully consider whether the transaction is suitable for the client based on the client's investment experience, purpose, financial resources, and risk tolerance. Clients are advised to consult legal, financial and other professional advice before opening an account and starting a transaction.

(2) Risk of Margin Trading

Precious metals trading carries a high degree of risk. Compared to precious metal prices, the amount of initial margin may be relatively small, so that transactions will be leveraged. Even relatively small changes in the market can have a relatively large impact on the funds that customers have or will have to deposit. This may be beneficial to the customer and may be disadvantageous. In order to keep positions from being settled, customers may be required to bear the initial deposits and any additional funds that the customer deposits into Havil Gold. If the market change is unfavorable to the customer or raises the level of the margin, the customer may not be able to increase the margin in time to maintain the position and be liquidated in the event of a loss. The customer will have to be responsible for the resulting loss.

(3) Some orders (such as "stop loss" orders or "stop loss limit" orders) that are intended to limit losses to a specific amount may not be effective or not carried out. If the order is a stop limit order, there is no guarantee that the order will be executed at limit price or will be executed. Some strategies that use position consolidation, such as spreads or the same price, may have the same risk as simply doing "long" or "short". Affected by system upgrades, data updates, or other network reasons, Havil Gold has the right to change the validity period of pending orders that are not successfully opened, without prior notice. The customer agrees not to pursue the responsibility of Havil Gold for the potential loss of profit due to cancellation of the pending order.

(4)Trading Facilities

The majority of electronic trading facilities use computer-based and network-based systems for the transmission, execution, matching, registration, and transaction clearing of trading orders. Like all facilities and systems, they are vulnerable to temporary failure. The client's ability to recover certain losses may be limited by: limited liability or exclusions set by system providers, markets, clearing houses, and/or member companies. These limited liability and exemption clauses may vary.

(5) Electronic Trading

Unlike transaction operations where open outcry trading is conducted, electronic trading will give customers the opportunity to encounter problems caused by the computer's hardware, software, and Internet transmission errors that have caused the customer's instructions to be unexecuted or not executed at all. Bade Gold will not be responsible for such problems.

(6) Over-the-counter

In certain jurisdictions, and only in limited circumstances, Bade Gold may be allowed to conduct off-exchange transactions. Because the company dealing with the transaction may also be the client's counterparty, in this case will increase the customer's investment risk. OTC transactions are generally less regulated or supervised by independent regulatory bodies. Therefore, the customer must understand the trading rules in detail and the risks that may occur during the transaction.

(7) Transactions in other jurisdictions

Transactions in other jurisdictional markets, including those that are formally connected to the local market, may expose customers to other risks. Under those market regulations, the protection afforded to investors may be different or even reduce the protection for investors. Before starting the transaction, the client should ask for any regulations related to the client's transaction. The customer’s local regulatory authority will not be able to enforce the regulations of the regulatory authorities or markets in other jurisdictions where the customer trades. Clients should identify and understand the compensation available to them in their location and in other jurisdictions before the transaction.

(8) Suspend or limit the relationship between trading and pricing

Market conditions (such as liquidity) and/or operational regulations in certain markets (eg, any precious metals suspended trading due to price restrictions or market suspension) may increase the risk of loss as the transaction is completed or the hedged position is changed. It is difficult or impossible. Furthermore, the normal price relationship between related assets and precious metals may no longer exist and there is no reference price for related assets, making it difficult to judge fair prices.

(9) Deposited Cash & Property

The client must be familiar with various protections related to depositing money and property for local or foreign transactions, especially when the company is insolvent or bankrupt. The extent to which customers can recover cash and property is subject to specific legislation or local rules. In different jurisdictions, each will have its own unique distribution method, and customers should know for themselves first.

(10)Force Majeure Risk

Notice to Customers If the trading activity is disrupted by force majeure, the customer's order may not be executed, or be executed under conditions that are relatively insufficient, and Havil Gold does not assume any responsibility. Conditions of force majeure include, but are not limited to:
a.The source of the quotation was temporarily shut down, damaged or otherwise shut down to stop operations;
b.In the corresponding trading market, the price of precious metals has abnormal changes or loses liquidity;
c.The publication of reports on macroeconomic data, or other political and economic information, has a significant effect on the price of precious metals;
d.Due to the damage of software and hardware, the electronic trading system can not function normally;
e.Internet connection failure due to network vendor's mistakes;
f.Decisions and orders of the national administrative department;
g.The flaws in telecommunications systems.
h.Other circumstances that cannot be reasonably controlled by Hadway Gold, such as fires, riots, strikes, work stoppages, wars, or other situations that cause abnormal changes in precious metals trading.。

1. Communication and power failure

Havil Gold will not be responsible for delays in the transmission of orders due to transmission or communication facility malfunctions, power shorts or any other reason beyond the control or expectation of the Hawe Gold. Badee Gold will be responsible only for acts directly caused by the serious fault, intentional fault or fraud of Havil Gold. Heweijinye will not be liable for any losses caused by the negligence of any introducer or other participants hired by Badway Goldman in accordance with this agreement.

2. Internet failure

Since Hadkin Gold cannot control the signal communication capabilities and the reception of signals via the Internet and routing depends on the structure of the customer's equipment or the reliability of the connection, Hawe Gold is not responsible for communication failures, distortions or delays in transactions on the Internet.

3. Market risk and online trading

Precious metals trading involves considerable risk and is not for everyone. Please refer to this agreement and its annex for a detailed description of the risks. Regardless of how convenient or efficient online trading is, this does not reduce the risk of precious metal trading.

4. Password protection

The customer must keep the password confidential and ensure that the third party cannot access the trading facilities such as account number and password. The customer agrees to be responsible for all emailed instructions and for all instructions sent to Havil Gold via e-mail, orally or in writing. Even if issued by a third party, these instructions have been verified with the customer's account number and password. , Golden Power will judge and believe that it is the customer's surface authority. Havil Gold has no obligation to make further inquiries regarding this apparent authority, nor is it responsible for the consequences of actions taken or inaction based on these instructions or superficial authorizations.

5. Quote error

When certain quotations or transaction price errors occur, Havil Gold will not be responsible for errors in account balances caused by this mistake. These errors include, but are not limited to, trader's misquotes, non-international market price quotes, or any quote errors (eg, hardware, software, or network issues, or third party error data). Badee Gold is not responsible for the balance of the account caused by mistakes. When customers place orders, they must reserve enough time to execute orders and the system calculates the required margin. If the execution price of the order or the order setting is too close to the market price, other orders (regardless of the type of order) may be triggered or a margin call may be issued. Havil Gold will not be responsible for margin alerts, account balances or account positions resulting from systems that do not have sufficient time to execute orders or perform calculations. The above shall not be regarded as an exhaustive list of content. In the event of a quotation or execution error, HAWKIN GOLD reserves the right to make any corrections or adjustments. Any dispute over quotation and transaction errors can only be settled by HAWKIN Gold Automation completely. In the event that there is any loss, damage or liability to Havil Gold, the customer agrees to compensate him for damage.
6. Do not accept operating software orders

In order to maintain the fairness of online transactions, in addition to using the licensed software provided by Havil Gold, Havil Gold does not accept any orders for the use of operating software in Hawe Gold's system. If it is discovered that the qualification of the transaction will be cancelled, such operations will be regarded as illegal and the profits will be regarded as illegal profits. All the illegal profits and required expenses (including capital injection fees and transaction coding fees) will be recovered by Allison Gold.

7. Personal Information Disclosure

The client agrees to allow Heva Gold to disclose personal data to regulatory agencies in response to legal requirements, including but not limited to compliance with court orders or other official requirements, or to protect the rights and property of Heva Gold, Hewlett Packard Enterprise Needs and Regulators Or law enforcement agencies may disclose the customer’s personal data. When permitted by law, prior to disclosing non-public personal information to third parties not affiliated with Babel Gold, the customer will be notified of the privacy policy and will be given sufficient time to withdraw from participating in the data disclosure. Before adopting new privacy policies, or publishing new categories of personal data, or before disclosing data to new third parties who are not affiliated with Bawi Gold, provide customers with revised privacy policies and new exit participation notices. All Bajeon Gold employees are subject to reasonable supervision when implementing their policies to ensure compliance with relevant laws.

8. Sets

Errors in the Internet, online delays, and quotes sometimes cause the quotes displayed on the Babel Gold Trading Platform to fail to accurately reflect real-time market prices. The use of "constraints" and "cuts and exchanges", or the use of profit from price differences due to delays in online connections, cannot exist in the over-the-counter market in which the customer trades directly with the dealer. Hajee Gold does not allow customers to conduct such arbitrage on the trading platform of Havil Gold. Relying on arbitrage opportunities due to price lags may be canceled. Havil Gold reserves the right to make necessary changes and adjustments to the accounts involved in the above transaction. Havil Gold may in its sole discretion decide to require the trader to intervene or approve all orders and/or terminate the account of the relevant customer. Hadway Gold can completely resolve disputes arising from arbitrage or manipulation of prices. The Eight Defenders reserves the right to withdraw funds until the above problems can be solved. Any action or resolution stated herein will not prejudice or make any rights or compensations that Hawe Gold waives to the customer and its employees.

9. Price, order execution and platform manipulation

The Eight Guardian Goldsmith prohibits any account from manipulating its price, execution and platform in any form. If Eight Guardian suspects that any account is in control, Eight Shields reserves the right to investigate and review the account and deduct the profits earned from the relevant activities from the alleged account. Havil Gold reserves the right to make necessary corrections or adjustments to the relevant accounts. For an account suspected of being manipulated, Havil Gold may, in its sole discretion, require the trader to intervene, approve the order, and/or terminate the customer's account. For any disputes arising from arbitrage and/or manipulation, Hawe Gold is completely autonomous. Havil Gold may, at its discretion, report any incident to any relevant regulatory body or law enforcement agency. Any actions or resolutions set forth herein do not absolve or damage the rights or remedies available to the customer and its employees. All rights are expressly reserved or indemnified.

10. Bankruptcy Risk Disclosure

The transaction between the customer and Babel Gold is not conducted at the exchange. Once Hachii Gold has gone bankrupt, the customer may not be given the priority to repay the money he has deposited or earned in trading with Havil Gold. The customer is an unsecured creditor and does not have priority repayment rights. He will receive compensation with other creditors after the company completes the priority of debt repayment.

11. Right of revision from time to time

Havil Gold has the right to revise the terms of this agreement from time to time, and Havil Gold will disclose the changes or changes to customers on the official website of Havil Gold ( Customers are responsible for regularly reviewing the relevant Changes to the Terms and Conditions are agreed to be subject to the restrictions upon publication.

12. Introducer disclosure

Haddon Gold does not supervise the activities of the introducer and is not responsible for any statements made by the introducer. Hadway Gold and the introducer are completely independent of each other. The direct agreement between Badee Gold and the introducer does not establish a joint venture or partnership. The introducer is not an agent or employee of Havil Gold.
(1) The customer understands and agrees that if the customer's account in Baway Gold is referred by the introducer, the introducer may obtain the customer's personal data and other data concerning the customer's trading activity in the Bajeli Gold account. The customer understands and agrees that if the customer's account in Hadway Gold is referred by the introducer, the introducer may not engage in the transaction with the customer's Havil Gold account unless the customer authorizes the introducer to trade on behalf of the customer through an authorization agreement.
(2) Because of the high risk factors for precious metal trading, only real “risk” funds can be used for such transactions. If the customer does not have surplus funds available for loss, the client should not trade in the precious metals market.
(3) The client understands that the introducer or many third parties selling the trading system may not be supervised by government agencies, courses, programs, research or advice.
(4) If the customer was previously informed or believed to use any third party trading system, the course, procedure, or research or advice provided by the introducer or other third party would result in a trading profit, the customer confirms here, agrees and Understanding all precious metals transactions, including transactions through any third party trading systems, procedures, or research or advice provided by introducers or other third parties, involves a significant risk of loss. In addition, the Client hereby confirms that agreeing and understanding precious metals transactions, including transactions through any third party trading systems, courses, programs, or research or advice provided by introducers or other third parties, does not necessarily result in profitability. It may not necessarily avoid risks or limit risks.
(5) If the introducer or any other third party provides customers with information or advice on precious metals transactions, Havil Gold will never be responsible for the loss of the use of the information or suggestions made by the customer.
(6) The customer acknowledges that Badi Gold and any persons related to it have not made any promise regarding the future profit and loss of the client's account. The client understands that there is a great risk of precious metals trading.
(7) Hewei Gold will provide risk disclosure information when a new customer opens an account. The customer must read this information carefully and must not rely on any contrary intention information originating elsewhere. Customers trading on this platform will be deemed to have read and understood the risk statement of Hajee Gold.
(8) For the customer has or will receive information or advice from an introducer or any other non-Howay Gold employee, Hawei Gold cannot control, nor does it support or guarantee its accuracy or completeness of precious metals transactions.
(9) Havil Gold does not support or guarantee the services provided by the introducer. Since the introducer is not an employee or agent of Badee Gold, it is the customer's responsibility to verify and critically evaluate the introducer before enjoying its services.

13. Internet Risk Disclosure Statement

Because the signals between the Internet, its reception or wiring, its equipment/system settings, or the reliability of its connection system are not within the control of the Babel Goldsmiths, the Babel Goldsmith will not be able to pass the Internet. Responsible for communication failures, inaccuracies or delays during transactions. Precious metals trading carries considerable risk and is not for everyone. Regardless of how convenient and quick it is for online transactions, it is impossible to reduce the risks associated with trading. You confirm that the spot price of precious metals trading varies from institution to institution and will change at any time between minute and second. Reasons include (but are not limited to) time differences in data transmission, and sometimes it is not even possible to conduct transactions based on the announced prices. Therefore, the customer agrees to accept the price from time to time provided by Havil Gold to the customer, which is the best price available at that time.

14. This website risk disclosure statement

(1) The information on this site is for general and illustrative purposes only. The company will not assume any responsibility for any errors, omissions, or misstatements or misrepresentations (either express or implied) with respect to such information. The company will not be liable for any loss, damage or damage (including but not limited to consequential loss, damage or damage) arising out of or relating to the use or misuse of or in accordance with the information contained in this company. Responsibility or legal liability.
(2) To facilitate users' access to information provided by other parties/groups or through other parties/groups, this website may provide or assist in providing hyperlinks to external websites. The provision or assistance of providing such hyperlinks does not constitute any express or implied statement, representation or guarantee by the Company in favor of or in disagreement with the contents of such websites; for any use or misuse or on the basis of passing through the company's website The company shall not be liable for any loss, damage or damage (including but not limited to consequential loss, damage or damage) arising from or relating to the content of the external website provided.
(3) All information provided on this website is the property of the company. No person may distribute the text or graphics of this website for any reason or form or reproduce, modify or reuse the text and graphics of the system content on your server without the prior written consent of the company. You may print or store the information on your personal computer for personal use or for reference purposes, but you must also keep all copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the content.
(4) This site is not intended for use by any person in any jurisdiction that prohibits the posting or offering of this site (based on the person’s nationality, place of residence or other reasons). People with bans may not use this site. Any person using the information contained in this website is responsible for complying with all applicable laws and regulations in their respective jurisdictions. Your continued use of this website means that you represent and warrant that the applicable laws and regulations in your jurisdiction allow you to view the relevant information.
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